What’s your comfort zone? Perhaps you enjoy staying at home on a weekend or maybe you like going partying at night. Do you like the comfort of a routine or do you prefer to shake things up with a little spontaneity? Your comfort zone is something you get used to—it can be an activity, your current job or even your own bedroom.
Everyone finds safety and comfort in different spaces and situations. For an introvert, it could be a peaceful Friday night, while for an extrovert, it may be socializing with friends.
When someone says you have to get out of your comfort zone, it doesn’t mean you have to change who you are. It means taking a risk, learning new things and paving the way for new opportunities.
Say for instance that you want a promotion at work but you’re too shy to speak up for yourself. Now, if you get out of your comfort zone, not only will you get promoted but also develop the confidence to pursue your goals.
There’s a fine line between getting out of your comfort zone and putting yourself in an uncomfortable environment. You have to strike a balance between the two if you want to grow as an individual. (costhack.com)
How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone
Many of us are afraid to step outside our comfort zone. Perhaps it’s the fear of trying something new and of potential failure or disappointment.
Try to think of getting out of your comfort zone like a ship sailing from port to discover new lands. The decision to study in a new country or switch careers in your 30s or start your own business is associated with some uncertainty and risk. But we make these decisions regardless because we want to move forward in life.
Let’s look at some ways to discover what lies outside your comfort zone:
Try Something New Every Day
More often than not, we become complacent in our routines. Most of our day is dedicated to our work and the remainder of it is probably spent on browsing social media. What if you did something new every day? This can be listening to an audiobook, cooking or even switching up your personal style. It has to be something different from your day-to-day if you want to push yourself to explore. You can even try to do the same things differently. This will get your creative juices flowing and, in the process, you may find a new hobby that you enjoy.
Learn a New Language
Learning a new language is one of the most fun ways to get out of your comfort zone. This is because you meet different people with different ambitions. Someone may want to be an artist, a writer or even a singer. You’ll learn about a new country, its people and culture. You’ll get to interact with your classmates and learn to speak in front of a crowd.
Take Small Steps
Getting out of your comfort zone doesn’t mean a 180-degree change. You can take small steps before you dive straight into something new and unfamiliar. Do you know how we dip our toes to check if the water’s cold? You should try to challenge yourself in similar ways.
Rather than venturing into the unknown, you can do something in a familiar environment. Say that you’re used to working alone. If you want to learn how to collaborate with others, you can ask a colleague to work with you on a project to get used to the idea.
Enhance Your Skills
Sometimes you lack the confidence to make changes in your life. You might feel like you’re not good enough or don’t have the right skills to do more. So, taking active measures to refine your skills and identify your strengths can help you get out of your comfort zone. Think about your achievements and appreciate how far you’ve come to boost morale.
Continue to challenge yourself and take a few risks if you want to leave your comfort zone. Change is inevitable and if you can keep up with the times, it’ll help you cope without feeling discouraged.
In 2020, many of us have had to change the way we work and play. Even though this wasn’t by choice, we’ve certainly had to make some uncomfortable decisions to find solace in a difficult time.
Harappa Education’s Embracing Change course will teach you how to be resilient and overcome challenges. You’ll learn how to respond to setbacks and failures, take charge of your life and try something new without being afraid. You have to leave the comfort zone behind for personal and professional growth. Get on the right track by enrolling today!
Explore topics such as Change Management, the Change Management Process, How to Overcome Overthinking & How to Stop Procrastinating from our Harappa Diaries section and lead on a path of self-development.