Data, they say, is the new oil. Companies don’t just rely on their gut but use data to make smart business decisions. They use it to identify challenges and opportunities so that they can make informed decisions.
However, making intelligent decisions depends on reliable data. Reliability is an essential factor for data analysis. No matter how effective or extensive the data is, it won’t be useful if it cannot be replicated, which is what reliability tests.
Following are the 3 types of reliability:
1. Test-retest reliability
Test-retest is one of the types of reliability that measures the consistency of results when one repeats the same test on the same sample at a different juncture in time. You can use this type of reliability when you are measuring something that you expect to stay consistent.
Test-retest reliability examples
A test of color blindness of the applicants for the armed forces must have high test-retest reliability, as color blindness is a trait that does not get better over time. This is one of the common examples of reliability in a person.
Why is it important?
When you are dealing with different types of reliability, various factors can influence the results at different points in time. For example, different emotions or environmental conditions might affect your ability to report data accurately.
Test-retest type of reliability can be used when you want to neutralize such factors over time. The key is to understand that the smaller the difference between two sets of conclusions, the higher is the test-retest reliability.
How does one measure it?
To measure test-retest types of reliability, you can conduct a precise test on the same group of individuals at two different times. You can then calculate the correlation between the two sets of conclusions.
Inter-rater reliability
Inter-rater type of reliability (also known as inter-observer), one of the three types of reliability) measures the degree of agreement between different individuals observing or analyzing the same object. You can use it when the data is collected by various researchers through ratings or categories, or when the data points to more than one variable.
2. Inter-rater reliability examples
The inter-rater type of reliability works when a team of scientists collects data on public behavior through observation. In such a study, all scientists should agree on how to categorize or score different types of behavior.
Why is it important?
Different people analyze things differently; so different observers’ perceptions of the same situations and conditions naturally differ from one another. Inter-rater reliability, one of the different types of reliability, aims to minimize the subjectivity as much as possible so that every scientist is able to replicate the same results or conclusions through a similar set of observation metrics.
How does one measure it?
To measure the inter-rater type of reliability, different scholars conduct the same measurement or observation on the same data sample. Then they proceed to calculate the direct correlation between the different sets of conclusions or results based on the examples of reliability in a person. If all the scientists give approximately the same score or ratings, the test has high inter-rater reliability.
Internal consistency
The last of the 3 types of reliability is internal consistency. It assesses the direct correlation between multiple items that are intended to measure the same construct.
3. Internal Consistency Reliability examples
You can calculate the internal consistency, a type of reliability, without repeating the test or involving other scientists. It is a useful method to assess reliability when you have only one set of data.
Why is it important?
When one devises a set of inquiries or scores that will be combined into an overall score or rating, one has to make sure that all of the objects reflect the same thing or provide the same perspective. If responses to different items are contradicting one another, the test might prove to be unreliable.
How does one measure it?
To measure customer satisfaction with digital service providers like internet or mobile service providers, you can create a questionnaire with a group of statements that participants must either agree or disagree with. The internal consistency type of reliability tells you whether the statements or facts are reliable indicators of consumer satisfaction.
Here are the two common methods used to measure internal consistency:
Split-half reliability:
One randomly splits a set of data into two. After testing the entire set on the participants, the individual proceeds to calculate the correlation between the two sets of answers.
Average inter-item correlation:
For a set of data designed to analyze the same construct, you can calculate the direct correlation between the results of all possible items and then proceed to calculate the average.
Now that you know about different types of reliability and examples of reliability in a person, you’re on course to hone a basic workplace skill: trust. Harappa Education offers a course called Establishing Trust which equips you to build trust and navigate the corporate landscape effectively.
Explore topics such as What is Strategic Management, How to Build Trust, Rapport Building & Teamwork Skills from our Harappa Diaries section in order to build trust-rich relationships at work.