Knowing Your Batna In A Negotiation
Knowing Your BATNA In A Negotiation

Kamal Kishore

Be it something simple like buying vegetables or finalizing a business deal, we all have tried our negotiation skills at…

Team Building Importance And Benefits
Team Building Importance And Benefits

Kamal Kishore

If you have ever planned any team building activity, you would know how it can improve communication and productivity among…

Mintzberg Managerial Roles – The Mintzberg Model Of Management
Mintzberg Managerial Roles – The Mintzberg Model Of Management

Kamal Kishore

A manager isn’t a magician. It’s only through experience and practical knowledge that a manager can become an effective leader….

Qualities Of A Good Team Player
Qualities Of A Good Team Player

Kamal Kishore

“Are you a team player?” You’ll likely hear this question in every job interview you go for. If you don’t, be…

What Are Management Skills?
What Are Management Skills?

Kamal Kishore

You’re probably aware of the importance of management in organizations and businesses. But did you know that management skills are…

The Art Of Persuasion
The Art Of Persuasion

Kamal Kishore

When we think of persuasion, we immediately associate it with negative behavior. But persuasion can be skillfully used to achieve…

How To Maintain A Work Life Balance
How To Maintain A Work-Life Balance

Kamal Kishore

If you find yourself zoning out in the middle of work—day-dreaming about palm trees and sandy shores—then you need to…

Why Workplace Culture Matters
Why Workplace Culture Matters

Kamal Kishore

You must have heard the phrase ‘work culture’ in discussions about organizations. But have you ever really wondered what it…

The Importance Of Team Building Activities
The Importance Of Team-Building Activities

Kamal Kishore

Does the term “team-building activities” make you think of silly games with colleagues? Maybe. But the truth is team-building exercises are much…

What Is Peer Pressure? How Does It Influence You?
What Is Peer Pressure? How Does It Influence You?

Kamal Kishore

Humans are social beings with an inherent need to be attached to their communities, social groups and families. We strive…

How To Deal With Peer Pressure At Work
How To Deal With Peer Pressure At Work

Kamal Kishore

Peer Pressure At Work Just when you heave a sigh of relief at having put behind you those years of…

Values That Workplaces Value
Values That Workplaces Value

Kamal Kishore

What do you carry along to a job interview? Typically, you take along a dossier-full of measurable, verifiable information: your…