How To Resolve Functional Fixedness To Think Out Of The Box
How to Resolve Functional Fixedness to Think Out of the Box

Kamal Kishore

Curefit has become one of the leading health and wellness centers in the country. Come to think of it, gyms…

Decision Fatigue – Meaning, Definition And Examples
Decision Fatigue – Meaning, Definition And Examples

Kamal Kishore

It’s a Friday night and Kaushik decides to treat himself by ordering food online. He opens his favorite food delivery…

Introduction To Operations Management
Introduction to Operations Management

Kamal Kishore

Have you ever paid attention to the management structure in a restaurant? You have a team of chefs and cooks…

Avoid Overconfidence Bias In Decision Making
Avoid Overconfidence Bias In Decision-Making

Kamal Kishore

Most of us have displayed overconfidence at one point or another. It’s not to say that this is an entirely…

Demystifying Selection Bias
Demystifying Selection Bias

Kamal Kishore

Imagine that you’re building a product for small and medium businesses that have adopted sustainable practices. You circulate surveys and…

Conflict Of Interest In The Workplace
Conflict Of Interest In The Workplace

Kamal Kishore

In general, it is seen that surgeons never operate on their family members, lawyers avoid defending their loved ones and…

Common Biases And Errors In Decision Making
Common Biases And Errors In Decision-Making

Kamal Kishore

You would’ve probably come across netizens squabbling over various socio-political issues. Many of them blindly follow what their favorite influencers…

Managerial Decision Making Process
Managerial Decision-Making Process

Kamal Kishore

As a manager, Aprajita was appreciated for her decision-making abilities by everyone, from her juniors as well as her seniors….

Process Of Motivation In Management
Process Of Motivation In Management

Kamal Kishore

Kalyani managed a four-member team at work. She believed that employees should be self-starters and pushed her staff to be…

The Importance Of The Risk Assessment Matrix
The Importance Of The Risk Assessment Matrix

Kamal Kishore

Imagine you have to visit your parent’s house this weekend and you have two travel options—you can take a flight…

What Is A Decision Matrix?
What Is A Decision Matrix?

Kamal Kishore

Imagine you work in a design department and your team has to decide surplus budget allocation for the next financial…

How To Do A Pert Analysis
How To Do A PERT Analysis

Kamal Kishore

Imagine that you have to attend a formal dinner with your colleagues. You’re likely to spend some time thinking about…