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For every person who says they don’t compete with anyone but themselves, there’s a winner who says ‘No competition, no…
July 15, 2021 | 1 min read

Thrive Skills are an essential set of cognitive, social and behavioral skills to enable our learners to continuously succeed, at every stage of their career.
Competing Fairly and healthy competition are the same thing in the sense that both refer to the feeling of competing with your peers in a way that is productive and beneficial for both.
Healthy competition at work brings out the best in all who are competing without complicating or souring professional relationships. Healthy competition or Competing Fairly drives innovation and promotes collaboration between individuals and teams.
Team-based activities are a great way to promote fair competition at the workplace. This gives different teams the opportunity to collaborate with each other and can often lead to a spike in creative ideas that drive business outcomes. Incentivizing such competitions are another way for organizations to ensure maximum participation by the employees.
Harappa programs that focus on Active Listening as a Thrive Skill are the High Performing Leaders Program, Impactful Sales Program, Powerful Presence Program and Placement Success Program.
Other Thrive Skills under COLLABORATE are Being Dependable, Win-Win Negotiation, Navigating Conflict, Making Meaningful Connections and Skillful Teamwork.