Skill of demonstration in micro teaching
Micro Teaching Skill Of Demonstration

Divya Mathur

Micro teaching is a process employed for the improvement and development of a particular teaching skill. Micro teaching, as a…

Skill of introducing a lesson
Micro Teaching Skill Of Introduction

Divya Mathur

Picture yourself as you are right now: reading an article, trying to expand your knowledge. It’s likely that you wouldn’t…

Micro teaching meaning
What Is Micro-Teaching

Divya Mathur

There are many different practices and techniques when it comes to teaching. Teaching isn’t an easy process. It requires different…

Lean startup model
What Is The Lean Startup Methodology?

Divya Mathur

Are you an entrepreneur? Have you ever conducted any of the below-mentioned five activities? Wrote a business plan to improve…

Brand Repositioning: Definition, Strategies & Examples
Brand Repositioning: Definition, Strategies & Examples

Divya Mathur

Organizations that go through a tough period implement changes to reposition themselves in the marketplace. This is mostly done to…

Brand positioning examples
Famous Brand Positioning Examples

Divya Mathur

A business without marketing is like a body without blood. Amidst a lot of competition, the ways you market your…

Brand Positioning process
How To Create A Brand Positioning Strategy

Divya Mathur

It was way back in 1969 when marketing virtuoso Jack Trout came up with the term ‘brand positioning’. A few…

Strategic positioning examples
Strategic Positioning: Meaning, Examples, Analysis And Importance

Divya Mathur

Any organization’s goal is to find a lucrative and morally defensible market position in its marketplace. This can be accomplished…

Backward Integration: Meaning, Examples And Advantages
Backward Integration: Meaning, Examples And Advantages

Divya Mathur

A supply chain starts with a manufacturer. Then it extends to a supplier who delivers raw materials to the manufacturer….

Vertical Integration meaning
Vertical Integration: Meaning, Examples, Advantage and Types

Divya Mathur

Vertical integration strategy is a competitive strategy that results in a business taking complete control over one or many stages…

How To Write A Novel For Beginners
How To Start Writing a Novel

Divya Mathur

How many times have we all heard someone say they want to write a book? How many of those people…

Advantage Of Teamwork
Importance Of Team Work

Divya Mathur

In January 2021, India created history at the Sydney Cricket Ground by drawing a match against Australia that everyone expected…