Gone are the days when everyone studied the same things, the same way! With the advent of e-learning or online education, knowledge development has paved the way for individual learning needs.
Now, organizations and institutes recognize what you need from your education isn’t the same as the next person on the attendance list.
If you’ve attended an online course, you’ve probably come across self-evaluation sections. Before you move on to a new module, many online courses suggest you take time to reflect on what you learned so far.
Similarly, in the workplace, self-evaluation not only helps you reflect on your performance but also identify personal strengths and weaknesses. Let’s look at different tips and tricks to help you write an effective self-evaluation.
What Is Self-Evaluation?
Why Is A Personal Evaluation Tricky?
How To Write A Self-Evaluation
Interpret To Evaluate!
What Is Self-Evaluation?
Performance evaluations are quite common in a professional setting. In fact, annual performance reviews are part of appraisal cycles and managers often evaluate employee performance and provide feedback. Employee self-evaluation is often a part of this assessment cycle. It refers to the process of systematically observing, analyzing and valuing individual professional actions or performance. Core self-evaluation involves reflecting on strengths, weaknesses and skills to define a path for self-improvement.
It is through self-evaluation that organizations can help employees review their efforts and recognize areas for growth in their roles. A majority of these assessments require you to review your own accomplishments, address setbacks and set goals for the future. Let’s look at the various advantages of conducting a core self-evaluation.
You take time to analyze obstacles and identify ways to improve on your strengths
Identifying your accomplishments act as motivators and helps you work with greater productivity and efficiency
It helps you pinpoint how exactly you add value to an organization and it further helps you align personal goals with organizational goals
It’s an excellent opportunity to gauge your contribution that further helps you determine whether you deserve a raise or a promotion
Why Is A Personal Evaluation Tricky?
While writing a self-evaluation is extremely beneficial, it’s important to know how to write one well. You have to pay attention to the tone and presentation in a way that doesn’t make you sound like you’re bragging. (Phentermine) A lot of work goes into preparation and here’s how you can pull together a strong personal evaluation.
Unpack The Why
It’s helpful to understand how your organization or management plans to use the self-review. For example, if it’s going to be used for considering bonuses, you need to tailor the self-review accordingly. By doing so, you get a good starting point.
List Your Achievements
People often go into a self-evaluation process without understanding how they can make the best use of this opportunity. A self-review is the only way you can highlight your achievements. It’s beneficial to keep a list of achievements that you keep updating weekly or monthly. It’ll help you list down the ways you’ve added value to the organization.
Identify The Roadblocks
A self-review isn’t always about the shining moments of your professional life, it must also include the setbacks you faced. By doing so, you’re looking at yourself from an objective perspective and evaluating yourself in an indifferent way. Make sure that you highlight on-the-job challenges.
How To Write A Self-Evaluation
Looking back at your performance for an entire year and reducing them to a few points isn’t easy. Start by outlining your expectations and follow these strategies for a thorough and effective personal evaluation.
Be Specific
It’s essential to avoid vague statements in your review. Provide exact facts and figures wherever possible. Give your employers a metrics-based performance review—something that’s quantifiable and can be analyzed. For example, my sales numbers are increasing every month at an average of 12%.
Review The Job Description
When in doubt, always go back to the initial job description. It’ll help you understand whether you’ve fulfilled your responsibilities and targets. Moreover, it acts as a good metric to measure your performance against. Gather all necessary data and examples once you’ve identified how you made a difference in the organization.
Connect To Overall Goals
A self-evaluation process is incomplete without connecting your achievement to the organization’s objectives. You should demonstrate how your efforts added value and drove the mission and vision. For example, “<organization name> has been focusing on the growth of new visitors on the website. As a marketing manager, I launched a social media campaign that successfully attracted new visitors, many of whom converted to consumers”.
Interpret To Evaluate!
Self-reflection and awareness are the cornerstones of core self-evaluation. To present yourself in the best possible manner, you need to understand yourself first. Harappa Education’s Interpreting Self course will help you foster self-awareness and reflect on life-shaping experiences. The Kaleidoscope framework will help you understand the five aspects of actions and behaviors. Join this self-knowledge course today to discover your best possible self!
Explore topics such as What is Self-Motivation, How to Develop Self-Awareness, How to Improve Self-Management & Guide to Personal SWOT Analysis from Harappa Diaries to become the best version of yourself.