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None of us is as smart as all of us. Bees and ants already know that. That’s why they band…
July 16, 2021 | 1 min read

This is our real superpower that helps learners achieve career success
Yes, we can fulfill your organization’s employee growth and development needs with tailor-made development programs for employees to suit your business requirements. We offer flagship programs such as the High Performing Leaders Program, Confident Communication Program and Women’s Leadership Program. You can pick any of these programs and tailor them to specific business needs as well.
Due to the nature of this offering, we will not be able to accommodate partial payments. Payment needs to be made in full before the program starts.
Learning Agility skills can be taught and learned at any stage in life. However, one needs to constantly practice this skill to make it stronger and more effective. Being able to call yourself an agile learner isn’t about what you have accomplished previously, it’s about the potential you have to accomplish future tasks.
A negotiation strategy where both parties gain roughly equal advantage stems from a win-win approach. The parties agree to act in both their own interest and in the interest of the group. The basis for any win-win situation is that compromise and cooperation must be more or at least as important as competition.
Delegation skills require an individual to understand the task and the person they are delegating it to. While delegating tasks, one needs to know the capabilities of the person they are delegating it to and ensure that they explain their expectations clearly.